Screw it I don't care about keeping track of these things
I've been away for a while, haven't had much to write. Not very good at commitment as you can see : /
It's not that I don't want to do this anymore, I really do, I just don't have anything to write about. My life is boring, nobody wants to hear what I have to say. I'll still post things here when I need to type. Or just need to vent. Or something. IDK.
Currently listening to Monstercat Uncaged livestream. It's a song I've never heard before. Well I have, just did not know the artist name or song name until now. Or properly listened to it. Overcome by Hot Date and Chrisson. I never understood DJ names. They rarely make sense and are like gibberish or random words or words that sound like names. Then you have the edgy ones that are all DJ M1K34L D34TH or something weird.
I'm going to finally start RWBY tonight. People have been yelling at me to watch it for the longest time and I haven't because I thought it looked like a mainstream overhyped show. Not big on mainstream stuff. Anyways, yeah. My weeb side has been showing up a bit lately. Haven't watched anime in over a year.
Yeah, like I said. Nothing to type. It's just boring. My life is boring. Correction: I don't have a life.
I'm sorry : / Thanks for reading.
Have a nice day
i care about what you have to say, even if your life is boring your thoughts count ;) also i have seen some parts of RWBY and it is a really populair anime. i haven't seen it yet because i'm watching persona 4 but mabey later. i hope you enjoy watching RWBY.