Just a remnant of the past
I've changed a fuckton in the past 2 years since I left this account
I go by Jenna now, please don't call me my username (I can't change it :c)

Jenna @Jake87Game

Age 23, Female


Joined on 8/3/17

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Boredom: The Struggle for Survival

Posted by Jake87Game - June 6th, 2018

Journal: Day 2

My second entry... today has been boring as hell. After yesterday, I felt sort of a rush after I posted my first entry of this series I'm doing. And I was so excited to get back on the Laptop and start typing. But... I guess I was so excited and impatient I sorta let it ruin my day. I was waiting all day for something to happen I could write about here... but nothing. You can't rush these things. Expecting a pretty short entry :\


My tooth pain from the upper wire has basically only worsened. Eating has been a real struggle for me, and I can't barely talk without accidentally bumping my top and bottom teeth together causing immense sudden pain. I hate it -_-


I've been trying to pass the time by browsing the internet on my laptop. Lots of good that does when your internet is so slow that YouTube videos buffer at 144p. It sucks.

I really have nothing to talk about today. That's a real bummer... I was so excited to get back into this. I guess this journal counts as content? I just want to produce something, make something that people can enjoy. That's all I want to do. Whether it be art, music, gaming, animation, or even writing. Like this journal. hmm...


Y'know... Journal doesn't entirely sound right for this 'thing' I've started. Blog? Too mainstream. Diary? Hell no! I guess 'Journal' works good enough. Not entirely sure how I want to keep track of the entries. Like, do I title them by days or entry numbers. Maybe I'm overthinking things, I should just let it come naturally. I know very well from personal experience forcing something almost always ruins it. Mostly from Art class, the deadlines on the projects were ridiculous!



Mr. Hutchins: Worlds Worst Art Teacher

So last year in Middle School I had the same Art Teacher for the entire 3 years there. Mr. Hutchins. Imagine a much skinnier tanner Dr. Phil with a 5 O' clock shave instead of his gorgeous stache, and with the entirely wrong personality. He had this big lie about how he teached that he shoved down our ears every chance he could. He always said that he "Grades on Effort, not Talent". LIES. 

He was also the Cross Country Coach (Which I participated in for all 3 years. I'm not a total couch potato). Life tip: Art Teachers should never be Coaches, and vice versa. Sure, that seems appealing, a good combo, but trust me. It's not. It just ends up with a bald guy shouting at you for not putting in enough effort when you tried really hard to make something good but just failed because he doesn't ever teach you how to actually draw and stuff.


The projects were also stupid. "Find 5 things that mean something to you and make them into art". It was difficult, mostly because not many things really 'mean' anything to me. I'm not good with symbolism. So I ended up using a Pepsi can, a gaming controller, one of my Godzlla figures, the Dilophosaurus from Jurassic Park, and a music visualizer I had on my phone. Those things don't really mix well, and it turned out to be utter garbage. I couldn't just take 5 unrelated things and just 'POOF' Art.


He also got pissed at you for dumb reasons. I got sent to the hall for fiddling with an Eraser while trying to pay attention to his boring monotonous excuse for a voice. Aren't teachers supposed to encourage twiddling your fingers and stuff to help you pay attention and sit still? The rest of mine did. All except him. He also would yell at you if he thought you weren't paying attention, and you had absolutely no way of proving you were. He was the Teacher after all, which meant he was ALWAYS right no matter what.

He had this like trademark punishment that us students laughed at behind his back. Lunch Detentions. Not put in enough effort? LUNCH DETENTION! Not talk clear enough? LUNCH DETENTION! Don't eat all of your disgusting School bought lunch? LUNCH DETENTION! He got so bad with just handing out LD's (We started calling them LD's) that the Principal even got mad at him and e got in trouble XD


Man, that was fun to type lol. I think that's enough for today. I feel much better now. I'm starting to really like doing this. This is so enjoyable, and it's only the second day! Gotta be patient though... can't let tomorrow get ruined by impatience as well. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day :D


you know sometimes boring days are good. it let's you do what you want to. i wish i had a nice day inbetween but those are rare :p anyway i like the part about your teacher. if i ever would have him as teacher i would litterly have so much trouble. i am quite stuborn as well as i am not easily told what to do. sometimes i even can do another assignment because i am against the other one (for good reasons like it's to personal and painfull blablabla that kind of stuff) but he sounds not fun. i would not even show up to LD's if he gave me a stupid reaason :p but atleast you got trough it ^^ also i hope your brases are getting better in the future, and i wish you the best with them because there basically torture devices XD anyway looking forward to another journal entery. (mabey i'll write something today as well)