Just a remnant of the past
I've changed a fuckton in the past 2 years since I left this account
I go by Jenna now, please don't call me my username (I can't change it :c)

Jenna @Jake87Game

Age 23, Female


Joined on 8/3/17

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Imma just use this site as my journal or somethin

Posted by Jake87Game - June 5th, 2018

Okay well since I have nothing else to post I think I might use this site as like a journal or something... I've been told those are great ways to organize your thoughts and stuff. Help keep you sane. I dunno lol

First Entry

Well today I got the top wire for my braces put in. It was alright for the first hour, but it's now slowly going into the "Unbearable Pain" phase. You know, the one that makes you have to decide whether or not to just cut the wire out even though your family spent hundreds of dollars they don't have to make sure you have perfect teeth? Yeah, that's the one.

This is the second time I'll be going through this era of suffering. I had the bottom wire put in a month before the top one because I had to have my upper palate expanded. People used to think I resembled a Vampire, mostly because of my pale skin and dark hair, but now with these expanded cheekbones I must really look like one xD.

I'm rambling... what was the point of this again?  Oh yeah, journal. So I don't go mentally insane over the summer. I mean I could go hang out with my friend... but I went to his house almost every weekend when School was still in. Kinda need a break after a schools worth of weekends at his house. I like being by myself from time to time.

People call me antisocial, Emo, retarded, whatever, because I don't interact or talk to almost anyone. It's not my fault everyone has hated me since Kindergarten and didn't want me to talk to them. I honestly don't understand why they hate me though. It's definitely not the fact that I'm super weird and awkward, or that I intentionally wear my hair over my eyes so I can avoid making eye contact with people, or that I wear the same Monstercat zip up jacket everyday. Or that I regularly listen to electronic music that makes most peoples ears bleed. Wait a minute... I'm starting to see a pattern here -_-

I'm gonna go play some DOOM 2016... I've already beat the game twice but now I'm trying to beat it a third time on Nightmare mode. I'm having some difficulty on level 2. If only I had my maxed out Super Shotgun, then I'd be destroying those hellspawn.

Wow... I wrote allot... I know I'm a good writer but I almost never write. I used to write Fanfiction a few years back (so much regret T_T) but those stories were nowhere near as good as when I just sit down and write. I forced allot of them. I thought that if I wrote Fanfcition people would like me (no idea why) and I forced myself to write awful stories. But when I just sit down and type whatever is on my mind it's sooooooo much better than any of those awful stories xD.

Thanks for reading I guess lol. I'll be writing more if you want to read... maybe I'll try a schedule or something... I dunno... probably not. I can't force myself. Definitely like once every 2 or 3 days though, maybe tomorrow if I'm feeling it, so if you really are that interested in reading what I have to say, check back then lol. 

Have a nice day :D



my friends all had braces (i luckly don't have to get one although when i was youngher i wanted one for some strange reason, probebly because everyone had them XD but i was the only one who could understand people who had braces so they always came to me to ask what they said kinda a funny story inbetween) anyway what i wanted to say is this. they all had braces and they told me the first couple weeks it hurts but after a while you get used to it and it becomes normal. the only thing you need to keep in mind is to speak clear or try to and just enjoy the day but that is there advice not mine. i have personally no experience with them but i hope the pain ends soon.

btw don't worry, i can understand you need a break. i have breaks alot. i am an introvert so when i am around alot of people for a long time i need a bit of alone time with just me and watching gamers. so i don't think that is weird. alot of others think your weird because of that but it's just because they make asumtions before they get to know you (what is a stupid thing what i try to avoid as much as possible although it is not always avoidable) and about your look, i'm pretty pale myself so i had alot of comments about that but i am sure your fine ^^ i think your style doesn't mean your emo and i think you should be able to wear whatever you like ;) and it is more intressting what most people in school wear anyway atleast you have a style you like ^^ (you should see me in cosplay. they are excited of just weirded out and you can clearly see it on there face. pretty funny to see sometimes but it can be emberrassing)

i think your good at writing as well, and i am glad it blows your mind that it works :p (told you it would ;) anyway i like that your opening up. it gives people more personality and i like yours ^^

i'm looking forward to your next journal entery ^^

Lol thanks allot. Glad to see someone understands me somewhat xD
In like the past day I've known you you have helped me allot. Thank you. So much. Is there a way to friend people on NG lol?
Edit: Lol found it

@NyanaCreation @Jake87Game aahww thanks ^^ i am just trying to help out that's all nothing special about that i think mabey.. i don't know :p if i can help i will try to and if someone is happy because of that than it makes my day ^^ and i would like to be friends send me a message some time when you want mabey we can talk sometime.