i know that feeling. for me i am not confident at all, as well as really shy. i am also freaking stubborn and it's a whole fight in my head before hand. for my first decade at school i only cared about what people thought of me and if my stories where good (they weren't) and i looked at everyone else to approve me. i wanted to be someone else so badly and i saw all the insecurities off myself. i sometimes was to fat (and i am not) and my shoulders to wide, i am to boy-like don't like girly stuff. i can drive an oldtimer and everything isn't right with me. i didn't fit into a box but one day i just said fuck it. i wanted to stop caring so i did. i walked through the halls like myself and not someone elses vision. i did what i loved and i became me. not a girl like everyone wanted me to be who is straight and loves make-up and does nothing but post selfies. no i became me someone who is non-binary, can love anyone (because i am pan ^^ ) and loves to write and draw as well as do cosplay. of course not everyone will like it but the inportant thing is that you do. your you and if someone doesn't like it than they don't have to be around you to show you. eventually the people will come your way who love you for who you are trust me ^^ your already an awesome writer with just your journal i can't imagen what you could do more. just be yourself and enjoy yourself thats what matters. (also your not a emotional shit show ;) your just going through the same shit as everyone. some have it harder than others but there are always people to lissen and to help out) btw i will always try to be there to help out ^^
I make stuff that isn't very good. I hype the hell out of it, and everyone I know thinks I am crazy. Still, that is better than having never made it at all.